Thursday, I was on emergency leave the whole day.
Cousin saya (kak idah) depressed and need someone to calm her in the hospital…she was suppose to discharge from the hospital on that day, but unfortunately, her baby had a blood complication and kena tahan kat ward….
kak idah is more like a sister to me and she always turn to me and my family. So, on that day, I drove to Klang Hospital with my mum....after a few hours comforting her, me and my mum went back to see my nieces and nephew at kak idah’s house.
Alahaii kesian laa the kids, they’ve been waiting for their new baby brother(baby izwan) to come home.. the kids made a special card with a teddy bear for a ‘
welcome home’ gift… sedih pulak saya tengok… huhu
Anyway, me and my mum tried to convince the kids that, baby izwan will come home with their ibu soon…and I always pray that baby izwan will be fine..kak Idah’s mother in-law arrived on that day from Kelantan...nasib baik ada ma abg.ed, at least she can accompany the kids, since the next day the eldest and the twins tuu sekolah…
While waiting the kids tido, I have been vomiting for several times sebab saya sakit kepala…migraine..and I started to have difficulties in breathing… my chest hurt and I can’t breath properly…nasib baik lah my mum kata she can drive, so yeah…she drove back to KL after for quite sometimes dia tak drive! …
On the way home, we drop by the clinic…the doctor kata, “
u’ve been vomiting because you sakit kepala, pening, and you can’t breath properly because your chest wall maybe swollen” the doctor bagi 1 day medical leave…so, hari jumaat pun tak keje lah….doctor bagi beserol tablet for relaxing the muscle and gravol tablet to stop vomiting. Alhamdulillah, on Friday afternoon I felt better…
Friday..Kak fathin sms me, she’s in town! Huhuhu..i know, saya baru recover, tapi it has been for quite sometime tak jumpa kak fathin…last jumpa was last year.. so,lepas lunch, saya drove to KLCC and met kak fathin kat sana..hehe we had waffle ice cream(
kak fathin kata,boleh makan waffle ice cream...she's a dietician and a lecturer..hehehe) we update each other and gossips!!… oh ya…saya teman dia belikan birthday gift for her husband!! Hehehe..and its really..really..really costs a bomb! Tapi very manly and cool!
Later in the evening, kak fathin, kena make a move, dia dah nak fly back to kuantan, she took ERL from kl sentral to KLIA…dan saya pulak?? hehehe saya continue mingle around kat KLCC and suddenly, I bought a new swatch watch for myself…boleh? Hehehe..before beli tu saya mintak advise dulu…lepas dapat green light…I felt like jumping all over!!oh yeaa shopping sorang2…

Then, uder called, she and dalina nk pi makan kat bangsar, nasi daun pisang…ermmm sounds good for dinner kan? Hehehe…as usual, kena mintak permission from my parents…and my dad kata “okay, jangan balik lewat..curfew at 10pm” hoyehhh!!!...haihhhh…baru baik sakit, terus pi berjalan2…
I arrived home at about 9.45pm……my mum said, kak idah and baby izwan dah boleh balik rumah, Alhamdulillah, the baby dah sihat tapi still need to go for check up…I’m glad to hear the news…the kids sangat happy with their newborn baby brother...ohhh.... sweet laa budak2 kecik ni...listening to their wishes and their talking about
'muka baby izwan ikut muka siapa...' hehehee....