my last weekend was quite hectic and tiring! but it was worthwhile though...hehee
friday - had my chiropractic appointment at 1pm... i left office at about 12.30noon, then had lunch and went straight to meet idah to get my new necklace to wear on acik's wedding the next day...hahah...oh yer..sempat shopping!
then, after isyak, at around 9pm, me, my mum and my sis, went off to johor bharu!!! we arrived at tok su's house around mum and tok su and my aunty as usual had their chit chatting all nite until 4.30am only when they reaslised "ohhh dah 4.30 pagii....kena tidur ni, esok kenduri nanti penat.." huhhh..i was sleeping at that time..tapi dengar laaa diorang berborak sakannn...
saturday- woke up at 7am, watch tv, citer thomas and friends kat astro semua danish punya pasal...he made me watch his channel! haihhh....pukul 8.30 baru sibuk2 nak lepak sambil tengok tv and tengok orang lain duk busy bersiap2...hehehe....
around, maklong izah and sarah went to get the wedding cake...yup!! 3 tier wedding cake! and it was nyummylicious!!
11.37am acik and cik cd selamat jadi husband and wife..alhamdulillah...hehehe cik cd looks very confident while my aunty looks very shy shy cat..hehehehe

around 2pm, migraine attack!! due to the hot summer all year in malaysia...migraine easily attacked me everytime the weather is damnson panas!! felt really tired and all i can see at that time was a bed or a mattress for me to lie down...i couldn't stand the hot and i went back to tok su's house to get some sleep....tapi, susah nyaaa nak tido!!!..the kids didnt stop talking for a minute....huhuhu....they've been story telling and apa lagi entah laa yang diorang duk borak....haihhh

4.30pm, me and my aunties and uncles had hi-tea session at hotel seri malaysia JB... we were there to take a look on the halls that they offer for my mum's side family reunion...after all the meetings, ada 331 orang dalam family my mum's side...and the hall they offered cannot cater that amount of people.... huhuhu,then, after maghrib we went to M suites to take a look on the second option... hall kat M-suites looks attractive and promising... heheh tapi yet to know the price...
then, at around 10pm, me, my mum and my sis, starts our journey back to KL!! penat okayy..on the way home...there goes migraine attack again...due to the lights from the cars i guess.....
i just wish i can close my eyes all the wayy..tapi co-pilot kalau tutup mata, ada makne ka? hahaha
my cousin and my aunty tagged along to my house...oh ya, my cousin..younger cousin getting married this october, and she asked me to accompany her to buy her barang2 hantaran and preparation for her big yeah!! we went off to shop shop shop the next day...
sunday- shopping should have been the most awaited day..tapi, my migraine seems to be so jealous and yeah!! migraine attack lagii on the way to cousin tempah her kad kahwin kat jentayu cards...the shop kat was sunny day and i have to be the co-pilot cum tourist guide... how to guide if i have to close my eyes all the way??? hahaha i can't stand the sunny day and the lightss.. silauu and made my head spinning like crazy! pakai shades pun tak berkesan.... :(
tapi, i always fight and ignore the that moment...its hard for me to give a smile...muka memang berkerutt jer laa duk tahan sakit...huhuhu
then, we went off to sogo, she bought her handbag and shoes, and accesories for her room... oh yessss...orang sangat ramai sebab sunday was the last sales day!!...everyone was like mad... grab all they can grab and ohhhhh..sangat penat tengok orang lain shopping....while waiting for my cousin pilih kasut, i fell asleep..hahahah...yup!! only realised when someone said "ala kesian..sampai tertido.." hahaha malu!!!! and straight away saya amik my handphone and buat2 macam ada orang bagi sms, tapi sebenarnya saya tengah sms mr.h... hahahahah nak cover malu laa..
we finished at around 6pm...and arrived home at around 6.45pm..nasib baik traffic was not that bad..hehee
at nite, my cousin's fiance came for a visit, we never met and that was my family and my cousin's fiance first meeting...papa cakap kat saya " tunang orang lain dah datang jumpa papa, kawan awak bila nak datang ntah la kan?" hahahahaha... and my answer was " tak pela laa paaa, practise makes perfect..." hahahaha...oh ya..papa saya selalu jugak cakap..."nanti kalau kawan lelaki dikla datang, papa nak citer semuaaa, takde nk betul2..." hahahahhahaa....oh well.... not bothered pun...huhuhu
monday - keje!! hahahaha...back to normal, but the hectic weekend made me blur and tired...
tuesday - still tired and blurr...was reading comment from kak z... she said "betul ke pok hady dah tunang? ada orang tanya kak z ni..hahaha" and i was like...what???? wahhhh...apa lagiii... saya pun teruss sms mr.h and asked him " pok hady tu uncle kamu ker? kak z kenal uncle kamu yeh? mana laa saya tau betul ke tak.." refering to comment left by kak z...
then after a while...sambil2 tengah buat keje, duk terpikir...and cepat2 sms mr.h again and said "eh,kejap, maybe 'pok hady' tuu dia refer to kamu kot, sebab tu she asked me... hahahaha" betapa blur nyer saya hari ini!! huhuhu...
kepada kak z...kalau nak tau pok hady tuu dah tunang ke belum, tanya la sendiri ke pok hady tu yerr...hahaha
okayyyys...end of story...
good nite!
photos...will upload soon