8th september
-11pm depart from KL with cousin to kg.melayu majidee JB
9th september
-3am arrived kg.melayu majidee
-5am sahur time, but i was tooooo tired... sahur dalam mimpi...
-6.45am baru nak terkejar solat subuh
-8am onwards helping maktok for raya dishes... then...anyam ketupat!!! belajar anyam ketupat in 15minutes time, tapi betul2 jadi after 2hours of trying.. hahahah.. uncles and aunties dah bising sebab takut tak sempat nak rebus for raya... huahaha
10th september
-6.30am solat subuh!!..
-7am... get dressed... niat di hati nak pi solat raya, tapi sebab siap lambat sangat, kena tinggal... uwaaaaaaaaa... so yeahh... duduk dapur je laaaaa...
-10am onwards budak2 kecik dah start datang beraya, and tok2 sedara, mak2 sedara from all over JB datang, pot pet pot pet laaaa diorang semua... huhu..
-9pm perut buat hal, tak jadi ikut my mum pi umah toklong, but enjoyed staying at maktok's crib watching ridiculous "jangan pandang belakang congkak" hahah
11th september
-6am solat subuh!!
-7.am got call from kak long's family...yeay! kak long selamat lahirkan baby boy!! the new addition to the family! alhamdulillah..both mum and baby sihat sejahtera..
-10am getting ready to depart batu pahat..visit kak long, and the in-laws..
-1pm arrived batu pahat hospital, met kak long.. ahhhhhhhhh baby so kecik!!!! 2.48kg saja... hehe.. so the comel!
-2pm visiting time ended.. my family terus balik KL while myself have to accompanied paklong's family to kak long's in laws...(lepas tu paklong satu family nak pergi KL to my parent's house)
-5pm depart from batu pahat to KL
-9pm arrived safely at home....
-10pm pot pet pot pet... rumah my parent riuh with discussion on babak ke-2..which is my cousin's solemnisation (kak long's younger brother) on coming monday...
12th september
-6am solat subuh!
-7.30am depart from my parent's house to LCCT... flight to kota bharu at 11am..
-9am arrived LCCt
-9.30am breakfast, check in.. and waitingggg..
-11am boarding..
-12noon arrived kota bharu...rented a car... and straight away drove to tumpat kelantan's chalet..
-3pm... ronda2 pantai sri tujoh, and went to the bride's house... took all the hantaran that they did for the groom's side... tapi ade 3 hantaran tak siap and i have to get it done!!.. wahhh mencabar okay nak lipat2 kain tu jadi cantik.. nak susun all the choclates pun mencabar jugak, sebab takut laa termasuk dalam mulut instead of letak kat atas dulang.. hahah
-10pm started doing the hantaran... heheh hentam saja lah kann..
-2am everythings done! alhamdulillah..
13th september
-6.45am solat subuh!!
-7.30am breakfast and get dressed for the solemnisation at 10am..
-9.30am uncle ali lead the takbir and selawat for the groom before akad..then depart from chalet to masjid pak keral
-9.50am arrived masjid pak keral, waited for about 10mins for the bride to arrive..
-11.15am alhamdulillah my cousin brother officially jadi husband! after 2 kali akad.. hahaha..
-11.30am the groom's side balik chalet semula, and get ready for the reception at 1pm
-12noon, semua dah lapar, uncle ali belanja nasi kerabu! wahhhh.. makan sajaaaa...
-1pm depart from chalet to the bride's house... bersanding,bergambar
-2pm makan lagi!! this time nasi pengantin pulak! hahaha.. memang full la..
-4pm packing... went straight for raya visit at my brother's in-laws... then dinner at k.idah's in law's.. then off to machang, aunty puyah and uncle ali's house...
14th september
-at machang, went to kolam air panas in the morning...
-1.45pm lunchhhh... then pack pack and depart to kota bharu..
-5.45pm check in at new pacific hotel kota bharu..
-8.25pm went out jalan kaki cari kedai beli 3 in 1 nescafe and milo..
-8.45pm dinner in the room.. semua dah malas nak kuar since the traffic is not friendly enough! so we called up for room service jer laaa... then tengok TV... hehe
15th september
-pack pack pack... off to airport... catch up flight and went back to the heart of malaysia... Kuala Lumpurrrr... hehehe
-ohhh tapi before sampai Kuala Lumpur, singgah Shah alam from subang airport for dinner raya at kak idah's crib.. haha
journey ends at about 11pm at nite.. woahhhhhhhhhh penattttttt
16th september
-hari malaysia.... hari relax saya!... heheh and yup... entertaining whoever yang drop by the house untuk beraya.. hehehe..
jemput la datang rumahhhhh :D

newly wed farhan the cousin and shidah (ohhhhh this two is much much younger than me!..but still i look younger than them.. kan? haha)

bersama cik mira...setelah penat di dapur...

akmal and afiq berbunga api..

ketupat satay or ketupat baawang?? cakap jerrr .. i know how to do it!!! (wah berlagak sungguh bunyinyer!)

kak long and the baby yang baru 8 jam melihat dunia.. alaa comey comey babyyyyy!..
the end!