cornflakes with choc chip

.the most difficult phase of life is not when no one understands you; it is when you do not understand your ownself.
cornflakes with choc chip
my design team.. shah,intan,en.amir,dzul,fatin(trainee) and jess
rifa'i, azmi uder and linda
with kak aya (organiser for all office events) and mr.hijjas (the principle of hkas)
uder,linda,lani (trainee from melbourne uni)intan,tina, lani's boyfren,shah and amed
lani's boyfren(lupa plak nama dia) and shah...
the guys...shafie,rifa'i, lizuan,akmal cik din and izhar
my dear friend,orked is going to further her masters in the UK..manchester uni to be exact..
As part of hijjas's usual..we had a farewell dinner buka puasa for her last friday at pizza hut pavilion....
to my dearest orked, all the best to you...and always keep in touch kiddo!
i don't really have a picture of us together...hehehe..bahaye laa amik gambar berdua.... ada dalam 2 or 3 times jer gambar berdua2..hehehe...anyway,this is me and him and our witness, shafie in white....shafie was the first person to know...and he really kept the secret for up to 2 months plus until the whole office knows about it..kehkehkeh... well i should say "i dont believe in office relationship.."(shahnizam's favorite quote) to keep the secret..tapi nk wat camnerrrr...susahhh nak berlakon!!..hehehe...but i am glad and,mr.h and shafie really knows how to berlakon dengan jayanye!! kehkehkehkeh..
my dearest mr.h.....365 thanks for everything since we've known each other...and million thanks for always be matter how far, u always keep me close to u... hehehe...ehhh ter "romantika" pulakkk...okay2...
and last but not least.... MR.H balik mesia CEPAT!!!!!
kak izan(sis in law) danish (nephew) balong, papa, dikcu(youngest sis), abg eddy(cousin) me and ibu
me dad
tomorrow, mum and dad are leaving for umrah...they're going with dr.fatma's group for 9 days..
me and my sis will definitely gonna miss both of them so much....but we're glad, one of their dreams finally came true.....alhamdulillah...
me mum
my days in the office is a bit slow.....
today, i've been assigned by en.amir to look on the interior of ttdi office tower...not much of work this week though..and i'm so sleepy!!..heheh biler busy....pening kepala..macam tak cukup tangan nak buat...biler tak busyy...boring plakk..mengantuks...haihhhhh...huhuhu
there's an option for working hours in this holy month of ramadhan... those who want to come in at 8.30 may go back at 5pm...those who come at 9..will go back at 5.30pm... lunch hour will be half an hour only..u have to choose only 1....saye pilih 8.30 till 5pm everyday!.....hmm flexible time kan? yeke?? hahah hanye org office nih jer yg tauu...huhuhu tapi sampai rumah pukul 7 malam jugakk...jalan jammed..espesially with all people yg sibuk parking kereta to join the crowd in pasar ramadhan...huhu...
ouhh i received a message from mr.h... he said....he got his confirmation letter!!...yayy!!..alhamdulillah and congratulations mr.h!!!..boleh belanje saye and all my friends makan2 yehh..tak me marc jacobs handbagssss..."handbags" means more than one okay!...huahahaha