Went for an interview last Monday, deep inside tak nak pi…but no harm trying…huhuhu….after the interview…I was happy coz the interviewer was born in glasgow…kehkehkeh..boleh plakk borak pasal experience mase kat Glasgow dulu…coz I really miss talking bout whats in Glasgow...i miss my friends in Glasgow…then, they said they will call me to confirm if I get the place…mase tuu …tak terpikir laa nak dapat keje kat situ…it’s a big international oil and gas company..i don’t have any experience working with oil and gas obviously..…hahaha…and…I didn’t know they have a small architecture department until they request my resume in the jobstreet….i replied in jobstreet and apply for the job…tetiba they call me and set up for interview…..memang plan nk cari keje kat tempat lain…but not so soon laa!!..tangan nih gatal…click apply and send jer terus…huhuhu
Today, they call me up..and they said.. “we r going to hire u..when can u start?”…..I was a bit shock!!...what!! they want to hire me? Wahhh macam maner nih?? I thought the interview was just trying my luck…then I said “the only time is after raya if thats okay ?” then they said.. “okay…we’ll get back to u and once the letter of appointment ready…u can come and collect..” woaaaahhhhhh… takotnyer!! This is serious!! Tetiba rase nak nangis….i’m going to leave my beloved friends and the coolest office environment ever!!...well the offer was pretty good.. working days.. 4 and a half days per week… Monday –Thursday.. Friday will be half day… flexible hours…asalkan satu minggu cukup 40 jam…tapi kena masuk office between 7 to 9am…the salary wise of courselaa more than current…tapi environment..hmmm tak tau unless dah masuk keje nanti baru tau….
I quietly asked my friends in the office….tanye, zul, rifa’i, told uder…dalina,intan, nazirull??..and my close ones laa kat office tuu..ramai yg close ones tuu..hahahahha…they said..go for it!!.. rifa’I said…. “I know…it’s a good offer…I know u really want it..but its not the rite time yet kan? Still have that feeling to stay ek?” then I said “ yess… the offer was tempting…but to leave is too soon!..still wanna stay....but will there be any offer macam ni after this??” then rifa’i said “its up to you…u’re the decision maker..its your future..” hmmm…..then after office…balik rumah and discuss with my parents…both of them said..its your decision and it’s a good offer… well..my parents sangat happy laa coz anak dia will join oil and gas..both of them were in oil and gas company before….huhuhu..but scope of work lain2 laa..
I’m yet to tell mr.h about this…jap lagi nak message dia.. the other day, I told him bout the interview and the benefits that I will get if they offer me a place…and mr.h reply “sounds great to me, good offer”..yes…it’s a good offer..but to leave my current place is not a good one…I will never find another place like my current office…definitely..
I’m not a decision maker...am i? ntah laa…its hard to leave and jump into a new environment…kan?
Anyway..for now…yes..i’m taking up the offer..i hope its a good one for me! Whooahh and at the same time…duk pikir,how am I gonna tell my favourite boss, en.amir about this...huhuhu
.the most difficult phase of life is not when no one understands you; it is when you do not understand your ownself.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
life as it is
I’ve been appointed by my design team leader, en.amir hamzah to prepare a report on a new design proposal… and guess what!!!...the report dateline…..this Friday!!!..wahhhhh bagus nyerrr so soon!!...and I just got the brief today!!! Uhuhu…even though I’m used to all the dateline surprises..kadang-kadang..it made me feel sick!...tapi I can still stand the sickness until I finish all the work…hahahaha..normally..lepas submission and if there’s no other datelines…I will take a leave!! Pagi2 antar message kat uder or officemate cakap..”tak larat laa..i’m taking EL today…”..hehehe..kadang2 saje datang office lambat..sbb dah stay up kat office…so, kena la cover balik my tido yg tak cukup…. i’m a bit lucky though..i always have someone to help me out with all the report preparation…someone in my team jugak laa…fresh grad architect…shahnizam!! For this report, we divided the workload..senang skit keje kan??hehehe..en.amir yg suruh mintak tolong shah okayyyy..…takut tak sempat kalau buat sorg2.huhuhu…actually, shah is doing another project which, the dateline yet to confirm…but will be anytime laa…kena ikut client laa…kalau tetiba client cakap…”okay..i nak tengok proposal esok” wahhh memang laaaaa seronok sampai rase nak menangis..hahaha…but don’t worry shah!..kiter tolong menolong okayyyys!!..for cad drawings…dzul as a technical assistant will always be there..dia laahh yg buat cad drawings..hehehe..kadang2 dia suka tolong buat coloring..(bagus zul nih..dia single lagi..ade saper2 berkenan?)…tadi dzul cakap “aishah, sye rase nak demam laa, esok kalau tak larat, sye amik mc yeh” and I said..” dzuuulll!!!..jangan demam skg..tahan duluuu..lepas submit nanti…boleh demam…mase tuu relakss laa puas2..pleaseee pleaseeee…” then dzul said “ingat demam nih bleh tahan2 ker? Hampeh laa awak nih aishah” hahahah…then I said” alaa jangan laa demam dulu…tunggu kejap…2 hari jer lagi!...rabu..khamis…pastu jumaat tuu awak taknak dtg pun takpe..” hehe…haihhhh hopefully he will survive…jgn laa esok tetiba zul takdok....abes laaa...bertambah workload...huhuhu...
There's one time my head designer,en.amir said “I think I wanna learn how to use autoCAD laa…what do u think aishah? If I know how to use autoCAD…I can do it straight, tak payah tunggu org buat…hmmmmmm tapi nanti zul takde keje pulak..i dah buat semua…..tak jadi laa nak belajar cad…hahahaha” and I was….ermm as usual..blurr..tak tau nk reply ape kat en.amir..hahahahhaa
Later in the evening…mum called”dikla, balik nanti beli cake..harini birthday Danish!..then kiter pi straight to kak izan’s (my sis in law) house….amik sarah from her Japanese class dulu..” and I was…ouhh my god!!!.. I totally forgot!!..danish 3 tahun today!!..hehe……then,cepat2 siap2 nak balik umah…ajak intan balik same2 coz tina was a bit busy with work and shah nk tunggu maghrib baru nk balik… …hantar intan kat terminal putra and I went straight home…then after maghrib…pi beli cake, amik sarah and terus pi jumpa danish...my mum and dad belanja Danish at mcdonalds playland nearby their house….bawak cake (classic cheese from secret recipe! Nyum nyum)….. Danish really had fun!...suka dia….atuk and nanni and aunty2 kesayangan dtg bawak dia kuar umah celebrate his 3rd birthday…danish’s dad (my brother) outstation kat PD…so takde laa celebration kat umah..huhuhu..takpe…I’m sure Danish had fun!..nanti aunty dikla beli present yeh….tunggu gaji masuk…hahahaha
Balik from danish’s birthday, I went up straight to my room…switched on my laptop and online yahoo messenger…yay!!..mr.h online!..borak2 and merapu..being a bit self centered with him..then bercerita ngan mr.h kejap…tetiba dia cakap..”okay..saye nk balik” huhhhhh sungguhhhhh hampehh…but me myself pun dah penat..so takpela…but decided to update my blog before crashing the bed…huhu…tengok2 jam dah pukul 2 pagi!!..uwaaa..patut laa penat sangatt...haihh okay..till then
There's one time my head designer,en.amir said “I think I wanna learn how to use autoCAD laa…what do u think aishah? If I know how to use autoCAD…I can do it straight, tak payah tunggu org buat…hmmmmmm tapi nanti zul takde keje pulak..i dah buat semua…..tak jadi laa nak belajar cad…hahahaha” and I was….ermm as usual..blurr..tak tau nk reply ape kat en.amir..hahahahhaa
Later in the evening…mum called”dikla, balik nanti beli cake..harini birthday Danish!..then kiter pi straight to kak izan’s (my sis in law) house….amik sarah from her Japanese class dulu..” and I was…ouhh my god!!!.. I totally forgot!!..danish 3 tahun today!!..hehe……then,cepat2 siap2 nak balik umah…ajak intan balik same2 coz tina was a bit busy with work and shah nk tunggu maghrib baru nk balik… …hantar intan kat terminal putra and I went straight home…then after maghrib…pi beli cake, amik sarah and terus pi jumpa danish...my mum and dad belanja Danish at mcdonalds playland nearby their house….bawak cake (classic cheese from secret recipe! Nyum nyum)….. Danish really had fun!...suka dia….atuk and nanni and aunty2 kesayangan dtg bawak dia kuar umah celebrate his 3rd birthday…danish’s dad (my brother) outstation kat PD…so takde laa celebration kat umah..huhuhu..takpe…I’m sure Danish had fun!..nanti aunty dikla beli present yeh….tunggu gaji masuk…hahahaha
Balik from danish’s birthday, I went up straight to my room…switched on my laptop and online yahoo messenger…yay!!..mr.h online!..borak2 and merapu..being a bit self centered with him..then bercerita ngan mr.h kejap…tetiba dia cakap..”okay..saye nk balik” huhhhhh sungguhhhhh hampehh…but me myself pun dah penat..so takpela…but decided to update my blog before crashing the bed…huhu…tengok2 jam dah pukul 2 pagi!!..uwaaa..patut laa penat sangatt...haihh okay..till then
danish n aunty dikla
mummy danish, nanie danish and danish
Sunday, July 27, 2008
poor kitten
I found a kitten in front of my parents house on saturday afternoon..
lying down looking so weak... told my dad "pa, kesian laa kucing tuu bawak masuk boleh ker?" then my dad said.."no kitten in my house..no cats in my house..."
wahhhh sungguh strict....i can't do anything though..nk angkat pun takut...i was in the middle of something at that time..nk pi carrefour,beli kain for baju raya with sarah and my mum...
dengan rase kesian..i said to the kitten.."awak duk tidor sini dulu, nanti sat lagi sye bawak masuk..skg nih nk kuar pi shopping kejap.." huhuhuuhu..
i know..i'm not an animal lover plus takut laaa nak angkat that kitten...so biar laa dia baring kat situ dulu.
balik dari carrefour, i saw that kitten dah bangun...duk kat tempat lain plak...tapi baring jugakk..
went to see my dad and he said.."papa dah angkat dah kucing tuu letak dalam bakul..tapi tak tau laa..dia duk dalam bakul ke dah kuar.."
then i said.."ouhh dia dah kuar dari bakul.." was a bit happy...hehehe baik jugak my dad..ingatkan dia memang dah tak kisah...
i went out and look for the kitten...tried to mandikan, sebb badan dia kotor...
sarah said.."kalau takut pegang..pakai laa glove"
ouhhh then i went and look for the glove...huhuhu...jumpa glove..yay!...
mintak tolong sarah teman..hahah memang sangat penakut saye ini..hahaha....
after clean up the kitten...i put him back in the basket...tried to feed him..but he refuse to drink the water...baby lagi, dia tak pandai kot...tried using the syringe...dapat laa dia minum skit...my dad wont allow me to bring the kitten inside the house...so bawak masuk sampai kat depan pintu rumah and i just leave it there in the basket..keep him warm with warm towel...the kitten sleep well..rasenyer laa..hehehe
next day...i went out to buy the kittens milk and food... balik from kedai...nk bagi dia makan....dia tak nak makan and he looks like dying!!..ouhh pity kitten...i'm so sorry..i 've tried my best to feed u..and to keep u alive...but u refuse to eat..and drink..what else can i do...i went upstairs and google on how to take care of dying kittens...
haihhh obviously..bawak pi vet...tapi vet tutup pulak hari ahad....
nothing much i can do.....
sarah said..."i think the kitten dah nazak...." and i thought so..coz dah tak bagi response langsung... i tried to wait sampai dia pass away..tapi tak sampai hati...so i let him go peacefully by himself...i leave the kitten in the basket and went upstairs and google about kittens...tried and search anything that may help me to save the kitten...as i thought...memang tak bleh nk save lagik!..haihhhhhhh...
when i came down...the kitten dah mati....tak bergerak dahh...huhhh kesian dia..
I told my dad and he said.."ouhhh hmm well what else can we do.....let him rest in peace..lets buried him now before it smells...go and bring the kitten to the backyard.."
i dont dare nk bawak the died kitten to the backyard...huhu takuttt... i dont know saper yg angkut that kitten....
i just went upstairs and keep on looking for how to take care of kittens!..hahaha..crazy me... biler turun bawah...saw my dad at the backyard digging the hole and buried the kitten...
my dad told me"u have tried ur best..maybe that is the best way for the kitten and for u.."
huhuhu....i wish i can be a cat lover..but i just dont know how to take care of them..plus kadang-kadang takut laa nk pegang..hahahaha...tp kesiann..aduhhhh sungguh complicated... but yeahhh..that is what happened on my weekends...
eventhough i'm not an animal lover... i still have that kind hearts in me.. at least i have an effort to help the kitten...kan? (trying to convince my self here...)
lying down looking so weak... told my dad "pa, kesian laa kucing tuu bawak masuk boleh ker?" then my dad said.."no kitten in my house..no cats in my house..."
wahhhh sungguh strict....i can't do anything though..nk angkat pun takut...i was in the middle of something at that time..nk pi carrefour,beli kain for baju raya with sarah and my mum...
dengan rase kesian..i said to the kitten.."awak duk tidor sini dulu, nanti sat lagi sye bawak masuk..skg nih nk kuar pi shopping kejap.." huhuhuuhu..
i know..i'm not an animal lover plus takut laaa nak angkat that kitten...so biar laa dia baring kat situ dulu.
balik dari carrefour, i saw that kitten dah bangun...duk kat tempat lain plak...tapi baring jugakk..
went to see my dad and he said.."papa dah angkat dah kucing tuu letak dalam bakul..tapi tak tau laa..dia duk dalam bakul ke dah kuar.."
then i said.."ouhh dia dah kuar dari bakul.." was a bit happy...hehehe baik jugak my dad..ingatkan dia memang dah tak kisah...
i went out and look for the kitten...tried to mandikan, sebb badan dia kotor...
sarah said.."kalau takut pegang..pakai laa glove"
ouhhh then i went and look for the glove...huhuhu...jumpa glove..yay!...
mintak tolong sarah teman..hahah memang sangat penakut saye ini..hahaha....
after clean up the kitten...i put him back in the basket...tried to feed him..but he refuse to drink the water...baby lagi, dia tak pandai kot...tried using the syringe...dapat laa dia minum skit...my dad wont allow me to bring the kitten inside the house...so bawak masuk sampai kat depan pintu rumah and i just leave it there in the basket..keep him warm with warm towel...the kitten sleep well..rasenyer laa..hehehe
next day...i went out to buy the kittens milk and food... balik from kedai...nk bagi dia makan....dia tak nak makan and he looks like dying!!..ouhh pity kitten...i'm so sorry..i 've tried my best to feed u..and to keep u alive...but u refuse to eat..and drink..what else can i do...i went upstairs and google on how to take care of dying kittens...
haihhh obviously..bawak pi vet...tapi vet tutup pulak hari ahad....
nothing much i can do.....
sarah said..."i think the kitten dah nazak...." and i thought so..coz dah tak bagi response langsung... i tried to wait sampai dia pass away..tapi tak sampai hati...so i let him go peacefully by himself...i leave the kitten in the basket and went upstairs and google about kittens...tried and search anything that may help me to save the kitten...as i thought...memang tak bleh nk save lagik!..haihhhhhhh...
when i came down...the kitten dah mati....tak bergerak dahh...huhhh kesian dia..
I told my dad and he said.."ouhhh hmm well what else can we do.....let him rest in peace..lets buried him now before it smells...go and bring the kitten to the backyard.."
i dont dare nk bawak the died kitten to the backyard...huhu takuttt... i dont know saper yg angkut that kitten....
i just went upstairs and keep on looking for how to take care of kittens!..hahaha..crazy me... biler turun bawah...saw my dad at the backyard digging the hole and buried the kitten...
my dad told me"u have tried ur best..maybe that is the best way for the kitten and for u.."
huhuhu....i wish i can be a cat lover..but i just dont know how to take care of them..plus kadang-kadang takut laa nk pegang..hahahaha...tp kesiann..aduhhhh sungguh complicated... but yeahhh..that is what happened on my weekends...
eventhough i'm not an animal lover... i still have that kind hearts in me.. at least i have an effort to help the kitten...kan? (trying to convince my self here...)
Friday, July 25, 2008
futsal? movie?
The guys from my office invited me and the girls to join them for futsal game....shafie and rifa’i asked me to call and make a reservation for the futsal court… I was a bit reluctant to call sebb I don’t think I can enjoy the futsal game..hehehehe…
Anyway..i gave a call to sports planet ampang..…then….they said.. the court is fully book for the whole week!!..i was glad and happy!!..told rifa’i bout that…but he said “ask them if there’s any chance for us to book during this week”…suddenly the guy said.. ”ouhh there’s one team baru jer cancel their booking on Tuesday at 9….so kalau u nk I’ll put your name in it lahh” ..i asked rifa’i and shafie….both of them gave me the ‘yes’ sign..haduhhhhh kena main futsal jugak laa nihhhh…haihhh…i gave out my details to the guy.."okay…my name is sharifa and my number is..019 bla blab bla…." Hahahaha…sharifa =shafie + rifa’i….
On Tuesday, its only me, uder and intan were joining..the rest of the girls was not able to join coz they live a bit far from ampang and its hard for them to travel at nite balik rumah…Wednesday keje..kalau cuti maybe they can join..huhu
It was fun though…me, uder and intan really annoyed the guys….the guys were really serious with the game but the girls doesn't really give a damn…hahaha we snap our pictures while running kacau the guys and trying to catch the bola and posing sana sini snap our pictures…hahahaha…. …for 1 hour game,it was fun...and we really enjoyed it…hehehe lepas abis game….we went for cup of tea (poyo jer ‘tea’ teh ais lahh) at al rasheed mamak…
the next day which is on wednesday...almost the whole office went out for a movie... the dark knight(batman) at pavilion! well it was not my type of movie though.......scary laa joker tuu..."why so serious??" haihhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...horror laaa!!.lepas abis tengok batman....at around 11.30pm, me and uder jalan kaki balik office coz i parked my car at my office basement..at that time rase takut sebb kena balik sorang2...eventhough akmal, his fiance and uder will turun basement with me....i have to drive alone.....the joker face is still in my mind at that time.....i'm a bit scared because the other day,there's a guy ketuk my cermin keta when i was at the traffic light in front of klcc, i look at him and quickly pandang depan and bace ayat qursi...when the light turned green ..cepat2 pecut keta!!!...takuttnyeeeee....that was the week before when i have to stay back alone kat office......nasib baik rifa'i and shafie suddenly muncul...rifa'i said "aishah, tumpang balik umah" at first i thought rifa'i was joking around coz dia ade keta sendiri...then he said"keta kat umah laaa" thank god...at least rifa'i will accompany me half of the way to my house hehehe..his house and mine is just about 5 mins drive...so takde laa takut sangat..
orked, akmal, rifa'i shafie busy buat keje masing2..yeahhh rite
Anyway..i gave a call to sports planet ampang..…then….they said.. the court is fully book for the whole week!!..i was glad and happy!!..told rifa’i bout that…but he said “ask them if there’s any chance for us to book during this week”…suddenly the guy said.. ”ouhh there’s one team baru jer cancel their booking on Tuesday at 9….so kalau u nk I’ll put your name in it lahh” ..i asked rifa’i and shafie….both of them gave me the ‘yes’ sign..haduhhhhh kena main futsal jugak laa nihhhh…haihhh…i gave out my details to the guy.."okay…my name is sharifa and my number is..019 bla blab bla…." Hahahaha…sharifa =shafie + rifa’i….
On Tuesday, its only me, uder and intan were joining..the rest of the girls was not able to join coz they live a bit far from ampang and its hard for them to travel at nite balik rumah…Wednesday keje..kalau cuti maybe they can join..huhu
It was fun though…me, uder and intan really annoyed the guys….the guys were really serious with the game but the girls doesn't really give a damn…hahaha we snap our pictures while running kacau the guys and trying to catch the bola and posing sana sini snap our pictures…hahahaha…. …for 1 hour game,it was fun...and we really enjoyed it…hehehe lepas abis game….we went for cup of tea (poyo jer ‘tea’ teh ais lahh) at al rasheed mamak…
the next day which is on wednesday...almost the whole office went out for a movie... the dark knight(batman) at pavilion! well it was not my type of movie though.......scary laa joker tuu..."why so serious??" haihhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...horror laaa!!.lepas abis tengok batman....at around 11.30pm, me and uder jalan kaki balik office coz i parked my car at my office basement..at that time rase takut sebb kena balik sorang2...eventhough akmal, his fiance and uder will turun basement with me....i have to drive alone.....the joker face is still in my mind at that time.....i'm a bit scared because the other day,there's a guy ketuk my cermin keta when i was at the traffic light in front of klcc, i look at him and quickly pandang depan and bace ayat qursi...when the light turned green ..cepat2 pecut keta!!!...takuttnyeeeee....that was the week before when i have to stay back alone kat office......nasib baik rifa'i and shafie suddenly muncul...rifa'i said "aishah, tumpang balik umah" at first i thought rifa'i was joking around coz dia ade keta sendiri...then he said"keta kat umah laaa" thank god...at least rifa'i will accompany me half of the way to my house hehehe..his house and mine is just about 5 mins drive...so takde laa takut sangat..
take a break with 7up.....with uder

one of the guys....dzul
nazirull, shafie, richard (trainee from ghana), uder and intan.
diorg lagi....berlakon..drama drama..
my place....with shah, fatin(trainee) and dzul yg suka annoy org..haihhh
Living with parents really save me a lot!!!because, I don’t have to call them and bercerita or membebel on what had happened to me the whole day in the office.. (I love to tell them everything...hehee macam budak skolah tadika…balik skolah citer kat parents.”.ouhh today I learnt new words mummy…”)....but having someone whom I like to membebel and bercerita,living so far away is a bit expensive…1 minute=rm1…kalau text message rm0.50 per message, if internet messenger….time different pulakkk..and sometimes,he doesn’t really have time to layan my calls or text messages or even messenger..... This is the reason why I’m writing a blog!!..My first blog in my entire life…don’t worry mr.h, from time to time…I will call u…if only there’s a really important thing to say laa ….otherwise…bace jer laa from here….yg secret2 tuu I will text u..of coz!...hehehe
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